Erev Shabbos Kodesh -Yom
9 Tishrei 5778/ September
In our home, we take the custom of eating challah with honey
during this time of year, very seriously. If having honey is symbolic to have a
sweet, new year, we aren't taking any chances of abrogating that symbolism.
In our family, the challenge is to douse the challah with the
perfect balance of honey - the most that the challah can tolerate before the
honey starts dripping down the sides, all over the plate and onto the
tablecloth. To do so requires squeezing out the honey, and then quickly biting
into the challah. If the honey pourer is not agile and quick enough, he's
liable to end up with a sticky mess.
Recently, my mother gave our children a book called
"Tootles" as a gift. It was a book I grew up with, but hadn't seen in
many years.
The story is about a young locomotive named Tootles who
dreams of one day pulling the big express. He, and the other locomotives, are
taught many rules and regulations in school. But the most important rule
emphasized is that they must never ever leave the tracks.
The problem is that Tootles enjoys the fields and the
sunshine, and he veers off the tracks. The story relates how the engineer got
Tootles to realize that if he aspires to be a famous locomotive one day, he
must learn to always stay on the tracks.
The concept of teshuvah entails that we get ourselves back on
track. During the vagaries of our daily routines, we sometimes stray off track.
Often, it's the result of chasing the proverbial butterflies into the meadow,
which causes us to veer off the straight path. Doing teshuvah requires us to
evaluate how true we have been to ourselves. To "get back on track",
we must be willing to let go of the negative habits we have formed.
We are blessed to live in a land of plenty. Pleasures and
enjoyment abound, and there is little to stop us from indulging. This is not
only true about sinful and forbidden pleasures, but even regarding enjoyments
that are acceptable within reason. For example, there is no dearth of eateries
of all different types, each constantly updating their menus with tantalizing
new dishes
Our challenge is to learn how to have our cake, and hold
ourselves back from eating it too. We have to discipline ourselves to stop
trying to grab as much honey as we can, by enjoying with a proper balance.
Dovid Hamelech states in Tehilim (147:13): "For he strengthens the bolts of his gates, his sons are blessed in their midst."
Dovid Hamelech states in Tehilim (147:13): "For he strengthens the bolts of his gates, his sons are blessed in their midst."
The Torah imposes upon us many gates/limitations, but within
those gates one can enjoy life and be elevated by its blessings. When one
learns how to live comfortably and happily within those confines, his progeny
will feel blessed, and will thrive as well.
The greatest life is lived by someone who remains on track
and is constantly progressing towards his ultimate destination. The great day
of Yom Kippur helps us recognize in which areas of life we have indulged, and
must reverse course to get back on track.
So, turn your train around, stand clear of the closing doors,
and proceed as planned.
Next stop: the intense joy of Succos and Simchas Torah!
Next stop: the intense joy of Succos and Simchas Torah!
Chasima Tova & Good Yom Tov
Shalom & Good Shabbos,
R’ Dani and Chani Staum